Да, уходит наше поколение...

...Рудиментом в нынешних мирах,
Словно полужесткие крепления
или радиолы во дворах...

Вслед за многими и многими Симантик закрывается. :( Хорошо, хоть не совсем: работы самой хозяйки переносятся на http://dlmsimantics.livejournal.com/ Убила формулировка:

Sadly, the time has come to say goodbye to Sim~Antics.

We have had an awesome few years while Sims 2 was
at its best, but now with the new franchise of Sims 3
taking off, it is now gone by the wayside.

Sims 3 has little to no capabilities for creativity and has
basically put a damper on the fun for creators like myself.

We have noticed a large drop off of uploads here and
support both financially and socially.

I would like to thank ALL those who donated to make
Sim~Antics the great success that it was and to all those
who uploaded and shared with us. We appreciate those
who came every day just to make us smile with a word
or a joke. I will sorely miss you all.

For everyone, ONE MONTH has been paid up so SA will
be here until Mid-December. Please tell your friends and
be sure to download and retrieve any links, downloads,
etc. before we are no more.

My meshes for SBB and Hourglass will be hosted here: DLMulsow's Sim~Antics
along with a few other items.

Again, thanks for the memories.
Hugs to all! DLMulsow

Мне будет очень нехватать сайта, который я посещала практически ежедневно, и обычно не по одному разу. :( - Спасибо, что это было!!!